Cask Ales
Cask ales could be considered the stars of the show.
We have both regular and guest cask ales.
Details of our regular cask ales are shown below, but it is always worth dropping into the pub to see which guests are currently appearing.

Morland Old Speckled Hen
The perfect indulgence for the discerning and independent thinking drinker of premium ales. With a full, smooth flavour, Old Speckled Hen is rich amber in colour with a superb fruity aroma. Toffee and maltloaf flavours combine with bitterness on the back of the tongue to give a balanced sweetness, followed by a refreshingly dry finish.

Draught Bass
Famous right across the world. Brewed to 4.4% ABV. Draught Bass is still brewed to an original recipe using only the finest ingredients and the experience of generations. It is brewed with two strains of yeast to produce a complex nutty, malty taste with subtle hop undertones.

This delicious, invigorating and refreshing beer uses a unique combination of hops and 100% Maris Otter malt to provide subtle sweet notes and a delicately citrus aroma.